Congratulations to our brave space pioneers on the installation of Alpha's airlock, auspiciously on the 32nd anniversary of mankind's moon landing. The computers all hum (they like 32's) and I'm happy for them. It's been one of those weeks however so this column whips a bit through reality. Read it forewarned.


The Treks will continue until we get it right. I see the truth in that now, as I haven't before.

As a species we often make brave noises unsupported by any bold action of conviction. Consequently when opportunities arise we fail to take risk and miss success by merely hesitating to step on-board. We should submit to our dreams as they try to teach us something. (What?)

The production team at ENT got quiet awful fast didn't they? Must be hard at work, or perhaps they just got tired of the sniping like over at EAS or Probert's. Growth is good even if pain can be a part of growth. Focus on the goal overcomes the distractions of the moment. (What??)

Why are Trek fans so rigid in their thinking sometimes, preventing growth? The universe has decided to address this problem. (Oh!)

Drs. Everett and Deutsch are right: Reality clacks along on nanoscopically different quantum tracks. Messrs. Berman and Braga - not "dumb and dumber," dammit - are onto this. This is the source of continuity "errors," the lair of that abominable snowjob the YATI. It might be the last of its kind. We can make it so.

TOS was an excellent first draft. TNG/DS9/VOY (henceforth TSY) fleshed out an ending yet leaving a disconnect - and it takes but a single pea beneath Princess Time's mattress. Will this irritation force fandom to fission, giving off a ray of light? I doubt it. One can divide Trekkers into two camps, those who divide Trekkers into camps and those who don't. I don't, so again I doubt it. (That's a pretty rigid conclusion though, so I am prepared to lose it.)

We apply Star Trek as feedback, a projection of our future returned so that desired corrections can be realized in the present. Small disruptions in the vision are easily tolerated - in fact that's the point of the design. Large disruptions drive us towards chaos. The computers do not hum about the prospect of computing chaos. So we get a new Trek instead.

Time again for another shake of the alternity cube in this consensual multiverse-Yahtzee of ours. Once more into the breech, dear friends! See you on the other side.

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