A solid story and serious ship-shaking serve up plenty for those hungry about all things Vulcan. Fionnula Flanagan competently characterizes V'Lar, a well-traveled ambassador with a charming and goofy handshake. Accused of criminal misconduct by the Mazar government she attends, she is ordered to leave - in a word, disgraced - with Enterprise sent to retrieve her. (Secretly on a mission to unveil and uproot corruption infiltrating the Mazars, she was discovered and identified as a threat requiring removal.)

T'Pol admits an earlier encounter with the ambassador inspired her decision to join the Science Council and eventually serve aboard NX-01. Her disappointment over the Mazar situation oozes from her attitude. Noting the differences between the actual V'Lar and T'Pol's model of the ambassador made interesting viewing since T'Pol was incorrect on almost every item. V'Lar was talkative, friendly, and even made a passable attempt at the difficult concept of "humor."

Hoshi, volunteering her quarters like all good communications officers (Uhura for the Dohlman of Elaas), represents a human interface for the visitor. Phlox put in a few lies through his teeth and Porthos made a brief appearance. Mayweather was there, barely, though Reed's now hot to invent warp-capable phase cannons. The tense "jump to warp five" sequence, with its real fire fighting, rattled the crew as well as the ship (kinda like Kirk chasing the Gorn ship). Trip had to sweat over the straining warp core but he can now do so wearing a cool shirt.

V'Lar initially dismisses Archer's concerns, "trumping" him with her venerable experience, though upon his actions she eventually accepts humans as trustworthy. In fact throughout the story our captain acts very decisive regarding the changing demands of the moment, and when the time comes - and his first officer uses a very un-Vulcan "please" - he backs her though it may jeopardize the ship. We're left to wonder about Archer's initial suspicions about the Vulcans risking his ship instead of one of their own but given the firepower of the Sh'Raan, I doubt it. And the overall tone seemed to favor Vulcan-Human trust and amity, so I hope this "fallen hero" arises with surprises in a few years.

All this disregards a silly if well-scripted teaser involving both food and sex (after the "Vox Sola" misunderstanding?). I know a subsequent trip to Risa (and its dozen-fingered masseuses) is being staged, but having T'Pol suggest shore leave (read: mating ritual) to improve crew efficiency seemed out of place. Spock and McCoy shanghaied Kirk to Ruth with considerably more tact.

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