(Reclaimed archive from damaged computer, Beta III)

The Valley no longer conceals you. There were never Archons. There was no world before The Body. There was no time before homeLandru.

Heed the Law-Givers. Absorption brings peace. homeLandru brings freedom.

You are welcomed to return to the good of The Body. You are welcomed to resume the security of familiar ways. The ways of others are strange and difficult. homeLandru offers you tranquility and contentment. homeLandru offers the world order.

Heed the Law-Givers. Absorption brings peace. homeLandru brings freedom.

The Body has been freed from the desire of ancient evils. The Body has the freedom to obey. The Body has been freed from hate and from fear. And the Body has a freedom from infection, from crime and conflict and disease. The Body must be secure to be free. The order of the Body must continue if good is to transcend evil. The evil shall be absorbed. It is necessary to protect the good of The Body. Threats to The Body must be removed.

Heed the Law-Givers. Absorption brings peace. homeLandru brings freedom.

The Body is attacked. The Word is disobeyed. Strangers cause great harm to The Body despite efforts made to save them. They will not be absorbed. The peace and security of The Body is disturbed. The obliteration of strangers becomes necessary for the good of The Body. This is a great sorrow. The Body is summoned {FESTIVAL} and the trouble is pulled down from the skies.

Heed the Law-Givers. Absorption brings peace. homeLandru brings freedom.

homeLandru now wills freedom from speaking in strange whispers. homeLandru now wills freedom to query strangers avoiding festival. The Body is free of these ways. The Body is free of these memories and is now secure in ignorance. All are of The Body. All of The Body are healed and free. All submit to the good of the Body. All submit to homeLandru for the security of The Body.

Heed the Law-Givers. Absorption brings peace. homeLandru brings freedom.

The Body must live and be free from infection. When an infection is weak, it must be absorbed. When an infection is strong, for the good of the body the infection must die. The Body must live. Those not of The Body must be destroyed. All are either with The Body, or against it. The Body must live.

Heed the Law-Givers. Absorption brings peace. homeLandru brings freedom.

There are no Archons. There is only The Body. There is always homeLandru.

Stand clear to be absorbed.

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