What if, as a human goal, someone suggested that rather than terraform Mars, we mars-form Terra instead? That's right - intentionally turn our planet into a pile of dead red dust. The water, the air, the soil, not to mention the complexity of life built upon them, all gone or destroyed. Could a political campaign eventually win people over to that quest - if not already?

Everyone within twenty-five thousand miles of Tahiti seems happy to welcome today's encroachment of Mars into our space. I am happier now that it's leaving. Approaching spitting distance it briefly outshines the international space station as the brightest object in the sky (excepting the sun and moon, of course). Peaceful accomplishment and cooperation among nations symbolically eclipsed by the Bringer of War - the bells should be ringing louder now.

Take a look at us here down below, up to our chins in meaningless gory stuff. War as an answer is almost always easy and almost always wrong. The pride of aggression and passion for gain do not fill the promise of a space-faring species - peace may truly be harder but it also delivers rewards that much greater. I've never been one for astrology but in this case I hope the suggestion of the skies is right: The influence of war on our world now wanes. We've seen the worst of it as of today God willing.

Astronomers say sixty thousand years have passed since the last similar approach. At that time Neanderthals were in charge of the political scene. (Dramatic pause.) Something better advanced beyond the brute though, with a capacity to compare the efficacy of combat versus cooperation. We can each affirm Kirk's choice: "We're not going to kill … today." To add some more positive imagery, note that the International Space Station jettisoned the Progress 10 cargo ship today, as Progress 12 comes to sustain the outpost. Would that we could rid ourselves of this bellicose curse as easily - undocked and drifting to a fiery end.

I have nothing against the planet Mars - why, I love Tomita! I just have everything against any useless war on Terra. I mean, what has Star Trek (excepting the current incarnation, of course) ever deeply meant to us besides peace? Even should Neoanderthals jerk the world's reins a little longer, their days are undocked. Mars goes on, and so I believe will life. Maybe by the next time it nears we'll be ready - as it brought us war, so shall we bring it peace.

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