Archer and officers shpod to Starfleet coliseum, where in front of a cheesy backdrop he laments the twenty-seven crewmen lost (why aren't the other forty something also there?). Since "it's good to be home" the first place he hits is a bar to sop a little old lady from Leningrad's drink. He banters with NX-02's Captain (and old flame) Hernandez, discussing epics and births and deaths. Back aboard the spacedocked ship T'Pol invites Trip to come with her to Vulcan (via what ship?) where he can stay at her mother's house.

Archer's Starfleet debriefing goes bad. Reviewing the Seleya adventure, he blows his top at Soval, crediting Andorians and blaming Vulcans for endangering Earth into "a cloud of dust." Proving his maleficence, Forrest takes Ambassador Pointy's side and orders Archer on vacation. Phlox gathers his portable menagerie with Reed's help, who warns unenlightened humans look for someone to blame and don't care who. In yet another bar Malcolm signs autographs and, with muscled Mayweather's help, barfights a xenophobe picking on Phlox who literally puffs up in alarm.

Vulcan is red but not hot. T'Pol's mother T'Zhora finds it agreeable to see her and returns Trip's hand salute, then complains (in Vulcan, how rude) about the houseguest. No longer an instructor at the Science Academy, T'Zhora explains there's more to life than one's profession. Oh and your fiance Koss called. The morning meal finds the mother-daughter snark continuing as T'Pol eats with her hands. Worried about grandchildren, T'Zhora sees no logic in Trip and T'Pol's romantic involvement as he fixes kitchen appliances. Koss arrives and emasculates himself so T'Pol will marry him, even reinstate T'Zhora from the job his family fired her, since he wants her to be "happy." T'Pol decides to marry after bringing Trip sixteen light years to look at statues. He retorts that she doesn't even love this guy. Love?

Archer and Hernandez go climbing. They find mountain lion tracks that lead nowhere. Archer lays his torture and marooning issues on thick and has a Xindi nightmare (just like me!). He lost something out there and she can help him find it, if it's in his pants (Climber's Code and all). Hoshi fetches takeout for Doctor Coward, and Soval apes Sarek in approving Archer's morally questionable but necessary command. T'Zhora dolls up Trip in T'Dad's duds, and after T'Pol's cheek peck, they attend the Vulcan heart and soul. Yes "this is our way," except where their logic has been inexcusably distorted by human influence (another reset arc incoming).

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