"Space Seed" on Earth two hundred years ago was a prince of an episode with power over millions. One hour of entertainment and the series that hosts it went on to conquer a world, arguably the best single Star Trek episode (though with perhaps not five times some other's strength!). As the wellspring to cinematic success it fueled the franchise expansion that continues to this day. It's a simple story best told in a bottle since there isn't much warfare concealed in such a titanic match of leadership ego. Khan will not be contained, certainly not by a group of ambitious scientists and barely by powers in a Third World "Eugenics" War he escaped. (Suffocation plays a big role twice in this story, as he was suffocated on Earth.)

The inestimable Ricardo Montalban as Khan Noonian Singh sets the bar untouchably high for subsequent Trek performers. No other interstellar race musters anyone to match his human villainies. Madlyn Rhue shines as fire and ice Marla McGivers, a fine woman to be taken, too "professionally" intoxicated with Khan to notice pitiful attempts by Kirk the fair psychologist. (The wake-up scene remains tense and exciting despite the famous phaser blooper.) Even Botany Bay with its hacked design and spectacular inner set, bulky transistor units and all, deserves recognition as a recurring character.

What reduced the supermen was not petty rivalries among themselves but the arrogance of Khan, exhibited by his flight from Earth, his failed capture of Enterprise, even the tragic conflict with his son (a recurring theme in the films). The ongoing conflict between Kirk and Khan is an interesting contrast as a contest of loyalty. Improve man and you may gain a thousandfold, as if efficiency (or the offered "order") was a summary of value, but in the end super abilities can't seem to compete with genuine affiliation from the likes of brave man McCoy, slapped Uhura, and choking-gas Scott (unlike Chekov and Sulu who are no help at all!).

Maybe Khan is better individually but no matter how powerful he can't do everything. Had Botany Bay instead found a sufficient compliant planet there's no telling how the story would have developed. The lingering optimism (since, like Scotty, we all hold a secret admiration for Khan) promised at the end would wait two decades before being dashed by the "hell indeed" events of TWOK. Yet even with movie knowledge this remains an excellent place for beginners to start their personal Trek. Each of you in turn will go in there!

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