It's true many of our names come through history carrying a faint trace of some long forgotten occupation or location. As humans don't change much neither do our basic needs, needs met by professionals and artisans in trades going back farther than oral memory (not to mention the time-puny pen) records. For uncounted generations it was the norm for the family business to be passed down the family; for heaven's sake what good are your children if you can't set them to useful work? Somebody's got to do it!

In modern society however that's no longer the case, since civilization provides freedom of opportunity concerning an individual's career choice. I'm all for the family business, and respect the deserved reputation accrued by those trusted few that successfully survive. So when the son steps into the shoes of the father these days, it's usually because they're both doing something interesting.

The dawn of human space exploration will likely proceed unstamped in our surnames. ("Hi, I'm John Astronaut, here to fix your molecular assembler?") But as of this week it now records a remarkable accomplishment with the handshake of Expedition 17 Commander Sergei Volkov and private space pioneer Richard Garriott. Commander Volkov is son of famous Russian cosmonaut Alexander Volkov, who put in almost 400 days aboard Mir (13th longest duration in space). Richard Garriott is son of astronaut Owen Garriott, veteran of 70 days in space aboard Skylab and the STS-9/Spacelab-1 mission.

One of the most difficult, challenging jobs on earth (or beyond it!) has been shared between generations in the same family, and not once but twice. Once is happenstance. Twice becomes a trend!

Both fathers were available to witness the historic moment, no doubt bursting with pride and even expressing a little (understandable) jealousy. After acknowledging the "space dynasty" set up by Garriott pere and himself, Volkov pere said, "I woke up one recent morning and thought - why shouldn't I fly to space again? I did some exercises and thought: why not?" Volkov and Garriott are scheduled to return to earth together on October 24th, as the next crew (Godspeed Expedition 18!) assumes command of the orbiting space laboratory.

Before long ISS will celebrate its tenth anniversary as humanity's greatest communal accomplishment. Its operations are uplifting (to use a word) and often inspiring, the growing visible tip representing the vast, combined achievement of thousands if not millions of people united in sustained effort. And now that it can be the family business? That only adds to the allure.

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