There's something odd about the dearth of robots in TOS. That condition is noted by no less than "I, Mudd's" android Norman who describes his humanoid makers such, "unlike your civilization robots were common. We performed the necessary service functions and freed our makers to evolve a perfect social order." Leaving aside the merit of any goal involving evolving a perfect social order, a prolonged dependence on robotic service seems the Achilles heel of humanoids, or at least it does to an android (and "eminently practical" to a Vulcan).

A few more episodes mention robots but usually in a generic sense or when that robot is obviously inhuman like Flint's M5 (or one to be destroyed by Daystrom's!) Robots are computers with a definite purpose, and computers are in their own way general-purpose, programmable robots. At some lowest level in context robots are only for the most monotonous or time-consuming jobs, an extension of human will with inhuman patience. They have no place in the world of sentience, at least not in TOS.

This column has discussed the comparison between androids and innocence before. Androids seem capable of self-deception where robots are not. They have no place in Eden either, even if their darker actions are not "malicious" and often "merely" a malfunction. (I wonder if Mudd had an android named Hal 9000?) They are however intentional, ruthless if necessary and able to use evil methods for securing a purpose. It's that purpose though that's the actual motivation, not the methods used to secure it.

The underlying lesson is that humans are content to do most of their own work. (Hence Spock's prognostication that the androids service would lead to the eventual subjugation of humans.) Above the purpose must be some strata of choice, a layer of consequence that of necessity includes even self-deception. Where is this going? Why talk of robots?

Coming after last week's "best guess" at incoming NASA administrator, the winds are yet shifting towards a relative unknown in the space community (though an accomplished and politically proficient military officer without question). Why such a selection is anyone's guess, as the stage is set for a bumpy confirmation process. Someone from outside the community will face resistance an insider would not, resistance that is no doubt anticipated and likely accounted for. Looks like there are new ideas to be implemented, decisions that might not be the most popular in all circles, and somebody wants a representative with purpose to serve in place to make sure that happens.

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