It's wonderful being alive to experience something big while it happens. History comes in all fragrances but those infrequent moments are fresh blossoms of hope and change, of human optimism challenged beyond what it formerly considered limits. In nature, after a prolonged stillness spent in development, a spirit suddenly quickens then transitions into new life full of motion. In the course of human events, after a prolonged period spent coiling (often recoiling!) in inane aimlessness, a special kind of leader can emerge to catalyze dormant popular energy into good if not magnificent accomplishment.

We are blessed to see such a point right now. The leadership of the "free world" has taken an overdue turn for the better, out from the gate declaring business no longer as usual, and that "the time has come to set aside childish things." That means different things to different people. Certainly near the top of this column's list is the illogic of waste, that willfully obstinate expression of senselessness grounded in a selfish lack of cooperation.

The return to rationality arrives like a breath of fresh air. It recalls another period in recent history in which even the sky was no longer the limit. The world was emerging from its stasis of black and white into splendid living color. Another young leader was sufficiently inspirational to light a spark that took us on a joyride to another world. (That this period was also nestled in relative abundance, environmental naiveté, and powered by national pride alters the comparison a little.)

Since that period our world has stayed remarkably free of global conflict, with albeit some profoundly disappointing local exceptions. Plans for empire built on defending "us" from "them" stand exposed as generational profligacy built on assumption of "business as usual." Such are no longer in play, and must adapt or perish. Now a time of commitment is called for, of service that magnifies human power. Two hands working are worth a thousand joined in prayer, and the reality of what we can achieve is wondrous enough.

During this celebration of the peaceful exchange of American leadership was a spectacular inaugural parade. Saving the best for last, the highlight of this parade was the introduction of the lunar rover. NASA's new moon vehicle was greeted with visible astonishment and dawning expectation, without any unpleasant incidents I'm sure we will indeed see our devices operate on that other world again. Even if it's more for building outposts than just funning around, we're still in for a great ride.

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